"Carry the day" nghĩa là gì?

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Reflections. Photo courtesy GlynLowe.com.

'Carry the day' (shared via VOA) có nghĩa là thắng lợi, thành công sau một cuộc tranh luận hay tranh tài.

Ví dụ
While the company that owns the nursing home (viện dưỡng lão) wanted to spend a lot of money on decorating (trang trí) its lobby (hành lang), my mom knew that what the residents (bậc cao niên sống ở đó) would really appreciate was a new piano (đàn dương cầm). Thanks to several meetings she organized, her suggestion (đề nghị) was able to carry the day. Now everybody who lives there and visits enjoys the sound of beautiful music.

When architect (kiến trúc sư) Maya Lin first proposed her design (đồ án) for the Vietnam War memorial, critics thought it wasn’t traditional enough. They didn’t think a granite wall that sloped (dốc xuống) into the ground was a proper tribute (biểu tượng tôn kính) to those who lost their lives. Eventually her plan carried the day, and became one of the most visited sites in Washington D.C.

Critics of Gorbachev’s plan charged that dissipating the Communist Party’s power would erode the gains made since the Bolshevik Revolution and would weaken the international stature of the Soviet Union. Supporters, however, carried the day–they noted the impatience of the Soviet people with the slow pace of change and the general pessimism about the crumbling economy under communist rule.

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