"Icing on the cake" nghĩa là gì?

Chú tôi hẹn hò bác sĩ nhãn khoa, và có hơn 10 năm hôn nhân hạnh phúc. Photo courtesy U.S. Navy Page.

'Icing on the cake' nghĩa đen là lớp kem trứng để phủ lên bánh ngọt, và nghĩa bóng là một bổng lộc kèm thêm vào một tin mừng hay một điều gì tốt đẹp.

Ví dụ
It’s very much like when I found out that the boss was going to be giving me a promotion (thăng chức), which was terrific (tuyệt vời) news. Then I was told I’d also be getting a newly refursbished (mới tân trang lại) office; that was icing on the cake (bổng lộc mà tôi được hưởng thêm).

When my uncle was young he thought he had a brain tumor (khối u trong não). He was thrilled when it turned out that he only needed to get glasses to stop his headaches. The icing on the cake (điều tốt đẹp hơn nữa là) is that he got to talking to the receptionist at the optometrist’s (bác sĩ nhãn khoa) office and asked her out on a date. Not long afterwards, they became engaged. He and my aunt have been happily married for over ten years.

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