"Come a long way" nghĩa là gì?

Bạn béo thậm chí là chủ công ty riêng...

'Come a long way' đi một đoạn đường khá xa, tức là đạt được rất nhiều tiến bộ.

Ví dụ
I went to my high school reunion (họp mặt học sinh trung học cũ) last weekend. That’s where I saw my old buddy (bạn thân) James. Twenty years ago he was short, overweight (béo mập) and rather shy. Now he’s tall, thin and very outgoing (bặt thiệp). He even runs his own company. He says his life has gotten a lot better. It’s clear to me he’s come a long way (đạt được rất nhiều tiến bộ).

You made significant progress (tiến bộ đáng kể) working quickly and working as a team. That doesn’t mean you should be satisfied with your achievement. The reality is that more is expected of you (mọi người mong đợi nhiều hơn thế). If you’re serious about earning the full respect of this community (được cộng đồng kính trọng hoàn toàn), you’ll need to come a long way from how you’re performing today.

Huyền Trang

Tags: friendphrase


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