"Damage control" nghĩa là gì?

Anh ấy* không được thăng chức vì bài phát biểu có tính cách sắc tộc. Photo courtesy Kheel Center.

'Damage control' có một từ mới là control nghĩa là điều khiển, kiềm chế. Damage control là hành động nhằm giảm bớt tai hại hay mất mát.

Ví dụ
Last weekend, at a big family gathering, my cousin, who’d had a little too much to drink, blurted out (buột miệng nói) that he couldn’t understand how my aunt ever became a successful hotel manager. My aunt was very upset (tức giận) along with my relatives. Almost immediately my cousin told her he was wrong and sent her some flowers. That’s damage control (đền bù lỗi lầm). Time will tell (thời gian sẽ cho thấy) whether my aunt will truly forgive him.

There were some doubts about whether Drake would be an effective union (công đoàn) president. Then, he made a racial (có tính cách sắc tộc) remark in a speech at an assembly (buổi họp). At first, he ignored critics. Later he tried to make a joke of it before deciding to offer a public apology (chính thức xin lỗi). In the end, his attempts at damage control weren’t successful. He lost out on the promotion.

Huyền Trang

* Meyer London giving a speech (1915)
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