Bạn có muốn đi tàu điện ngầm miễn phí?

hãy tăng cường tập squat, thành phố Mexico có sáng kiến chính sách chống lại bệnh béo phì bằng cách cho những người béo phí đi tàu điện ngầm vé trị giá 5 peso cho mỗi 10 lần đứng lên ngồi xuống...
Good lord. Mexico city has decided to fight obesity by giving people a 5 peso metro token for doing 10 squats. Really.
No, really.
They have installed 30 squat monitoring machines some of the stations. Did I mention that 4,000,000 people ride the subway in the D.F. every day? And that the stations can tend to get a bit crowded?
People, would 10 squats a day really to anything with weight control? In Russia, the price of a free ticket is 30 squats in under two minutes.
The D.F. government is also giving away 80,000 pedometers. Again, there are 4,000,000 riders every day.
As always, it is so gratifying to me to see a government finding simple, effective solutions to seemingly complex problems.

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