Mang tiếng Stanford quá

nhóm nghiên cứu AI ở đại học Stanford "đạo văn" kết quả của đại học Thanh Hoa

nhận diện được chữ viết trên thẻ tre thời chiến quốc, cả lỗi sai cũng giống nhau
"'Fake it before you make it' is an ignoble product of Silicon Valley," said Christopher Manning, director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University, commenting on some researchers at the university who plagiarized the achievements by institutions such as China's Tsinghua University.

On May 29, a research team at Stanford University released a large model called Llama3-V, claiming it can achieve the same effects as large models such as GPT-4V with a pre-training cost of only 500 U.S. dollars. The news was widely spread on social media and in the academic community of artificial intelligence.

However, industry insiders soon suspected that the Standford team plagiarized the MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5 large model released by Tsinghua University and other Chinese institutions.

Both Llama3-V and the MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5 large model are based on the open-source Llama3 large model. Still, the team in Tsinghua conducted unique training, including using the "Tsinghua Bamboo Slips," a collection of Chinese texts written on strips of bamboo which date back to the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.), to train the model to recognize ancient Chinese characters.

Tests show that the model released by the Stanford University team can also recognize the "Tsinghua Bamboo Slips."

"We are quite sure that the Stanford team has plagiarized our big model research results," Liu Zhiyuan, a tenured associate professor of the Department of Computer Science at Tsinghua University, told Xinhua.

"The data we scanned and annotated word by word from the 'Tsinghua Bamboo Slips' has never been made public, and Llama3-V has shown the same ability to identify the 'Tsinghua Bamboo Slips', even the error examples are the same," said Liu, who is also a member of the Tsinghua big model team.

As doubt accumulated, the Stanford team deleted the database and promotion articles on the Internet, Liu said, adding "from the evidence and their reactions, the nature of plagiarism has been relatively confirmed."

shared via xinhua,

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